Organisations of the World — My wishes on your post-crisis strategy
No doubt, many organisations have been asking themselves, “How best can we come out at the other end?”
The major questions we all need to ask are:
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want us to be as we come out from this situation?
- And more importantly, why?
And then we need to think about:
- What is the best way to get in front of our people?
- How do we prep the key personnel before they return to work?
Indeed, there are many hard questions, small and big, to be asked in between in order to get a good understanding of it all. And to make it a real success, not only to sail through this situation but also to take this given opportunity to (re)form a new company culture and foundation going forward for the new world we are about to embrace and live in.
None of us will be returning to a normal life after this. For those, be it individual or an organization, who take on a “wait it out” approach to get back to their normal life will find themselves very hard hit. We need to take charge and decide what we want our “new normal” to be; time to reset and reinvent.
Transparency, clarity and leadership are key in leading such a project as it requires total buy-in from all of our workforce.
Whilst we contemplate and work on our post-crisis strategy, my wishes for organisations are to consider a few key perspectives to create and co-create from hereon the world we want to live in and use this window of opportunity to rebuild, refresh, recharge and rejuvenate humankind.
Profit-driven has been the mainstream focus for a long time. Very seldom do we look at or even include what’s best for the human race.
What is best for us as the human race may not bring the most profit, yet. But with all the profit we have been making and the latest technology and technical know-how, have we advanced for the better of humankind or the worse of human greed?
Looking at how our world is addressing the current crisis, I can’t help but wonder.
If we truly want a better world, one in harmony with Mother Nature, let’s step up together with our conscience to find the balance between profit-driven and the-best-interest-of-human-race-driven.
The majority of the “people development training’ provided focuses on the skills and the knowledge required to do the job. It has very little if not none of the element of how to be Self, let alone being our best Self.
Real people development is to help individuals to truly develop and nurture WHO we are and the best of WHO we are and can be, not what we do or are required to perform at work.
Instead of focusing on the company’s ROI (Return on Investment), let’s measure it with “Return On Self”(ROS) — are we helping us and our people to fully, truthfully and consciously aligning ourselves as WHO we are and the best of WHO we are?
When we all support and cultivate on returning to be our authentic Self, taking away the need and pressure to be someone we are not in order to feel “fit-in” or be seen as “successful”, we are bringing “oneness” and harmony back into life, and at the same time, reshaping and remodelling the foundation of what value truly is for the future generations to come.
When we are aligned with ourselves, we are more likely to feel inspired and fulfilled. This is by far the best people development we can give and gift to ourselves and the people who work for and with us.
We can make the presence of the best essence and spirits of humankind as our new normal. And it all starts with Self.
Value over Values
Loyalty cannot be bought. It only comes when we feel we are being treated consistently well and respectfully.
Passion is about doing what we love, which isn’t always what we are good at. Helping our people to connect with their ROS is far more effective and worthwhile than looking at the company’s ROI. After all,
We perform well when we are good at what we do.
But we perform best when we do what we love.
Build and invest in the value of our people and the values will follow.
The focus has mostly been on shareholders. Every month. Every quarter. Every year.
Are they truly the stakeholders in it all?
No one can enjoy what life can bring when there is no health — financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, individually and collectively as a human race, and together with Mother Nature.
The biggest stakeholder in it all is our own wellbeing and our existence, in every sense and aspect of our life.
For-profit or not-for-profit, no one will be well off when our own wellbeing is in question. So where do we put the balance between shareholders and our collective wellbeing as our stakeholders going forward? The choice is ours as we decide what world we want to live in going forward.
Where we are collectively may not look good. However, we can take a positive view and see it as a big wake-up call from Mother Nature, asking and giving us an opportunity to take a serious look at our lives and our world. It is a chance for us to create and co-create, for humankind, not human greed, for our lives, our jobs, our organizations and our world.
Kitty Yeung Downer, as featured on TV, newspapers and magazine, is an International Speaker, Mentor and Published Author. Her passion and vision are to bring crystal clear clarity to live and speak our truth. She provides THE TRUTH — individual mentoring programme, tailor-made seminars and workshops and event speaking. For more information, please visit