Kick Your But(t) and Make It Happened

Kitty Yeung Downer
5 min readJun 12, 2018


Quite a few people have asked me, “Kitty, how do you find the time to have a book published last year and how do you find the time to sit down to write articles and make videos?”

I have 2 little kids at home. Like all of us, I also only have 24 hours a day.

My ability to do what I have done thus far is down to being clear about my thoughts and beliefs, knowing what I truly want from what I think I want.

Many times when I speak with people, they would say, “Oh, I would like to do this” or “I would like to do that.” But they haven’t done anything to make anything happened.

And when I asked them why, they would say, “Oh, well you know…dah dah dah… know…” There is always an excuse if not a genuine reason that is stopping them from doing what they want to do, or at least, what they think they want to do.

The reality is many of the thoughts that we have are not very clear. But we have never really sat down and examined each of them.

And for me, having the ability to have a book published and getting up early daily: 5am meditatioin, 6am yoga, 7am shower when the kids get up and have breakfast, 7.45am take my son to school and be back at home by 8.30am to send my daughter off to school bus is because I am clear with what I truly want and need.

It is not easy. In fact, it is very tiring.

I am able and motivated to do it every day because I know clearly that it is what I want and I must have it, not “I would like to….” or “it would be nice to do it.”

We need to differentiate whatever we think we would like to do or have from what we actually want and need to do or have so that we are clear with our desire and stop any procrastination .

One exercise I do to help me be clear with my thoughts, and it is written in the book THE CODE, is called Kick Your But(t).

Whenever you find yourself saying, “Oh, I would like to do this BUT….” The BUT is usually followed by either an excuse or a genuine reason.

If it is truly what you want, no excuse or reason can stop you. You will find the space. You will find the resources. And you will find the time to make it happened. It is all down to “How much do you want it?”

When you don’t have the motivation to find the time or the space, to re-prioritize or re-schedule your daily routine, a lot of the time is because what you think you want isn’t what you truly want. That’s why you take no action.

Of course, there are times that resources are limited. But if you don’t do it now or if you can’t do it now, it doesn’t mean you can’t do it in the near future. It is all about planning. It’s all about organizing. How you re-prioritize and re-schedule your daily routine to make it happened is entirely up to you, and that is if you take the time to re-prioritize or re-schedule.

For my instance, when I get up at 5am, like many of us, I can also say to myself, “Ohhhh, I would like to get up at 5am to meditate BUT I am so tired.” Or for someone who wants to get up early to go to the gym to get fit may say a similar statement.

When this happens, we replace the “….BUT I am so tired” with a question (How, What, Which, Who, When etc), “What can I do about it?” A possible answer is, “I can go to bed earlier.”

But you may find yourself saying, “Hmm…BUT I can’t sleep that early!”

Another BUT! However, we know that the BUT can be replaced by a question. And it is up to us to have the BUT question answered honestly and truthfully.

Even if you are not tired enough to sleep initially, when you start making it happened, you will be tired enough to sleep earlier when you start waking up earlier.

It is really a matter of being conscious and mindful the BUT that we have that is stopping us from doing what we want to do or be.

The mind isn’t here to give us excuses or reasons not to do what we want to do or be.

The mind is here to help us to find the solution, to achieve and accomplish our true desires.

When we are not conscious and mindful about the way that we think, we tend to react rather than respond.

Instead of responding positively finding a solution and a way to overcome the challenge, that is the BUT, we react. We will let go and simply say, “…BUT this is how it is…and therefore I am not creating the space to make it happened…”

When we do the exercise “Kick Your But(t)”, we replace every BUT with a question and then we find the answer.

Question. Answer. Question. Answer.

Once you have exhausted all your BUTs, not only will you have all the answers right in front of you but also a plan that you can follow.

If you still find yourself not feeling motivated to do what you say you want to do or be, then you have to ask yourself seriously, “Is this truly what I want or is this just something I think I want?”

There is no more excuse. There is no more reason.

If this is not what you truly want, remove the thought.

When the mind is so cluttered with all thoughts that are serving no purpose, we will find that when we are in need of looking for more important answers in life, we don’t have the space for them.

When we clear the clutter in the mind, we create the mental space. We can think more clearly. We are more opened to ideas that we normally would not even consider.

There is no excuse or reason not to do what we say we want.

Kick Your But(t). Make It Happened.



Kitty Yeung Downer
Kitty Yeung Downer

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