17 Key Life Lessons in honouring my Knowing
3 min readMar 13, 2018
It has taken me 44 years to realize and understand a knowing that has been with me since I was a child. Some people say I am lucky to have such a strong knowing since I was a child. But then I ask them if they consider it as luck to endure not knowing what that knowing is for 44 years in their life.
Luck or curse, it’s all our perspective. As long as we honour and fulfil ourselves as WHO we are, all is well. No labeling is required.
Here are the lessons I learned in pursuing and honouring my knowing.
- No one knows you better than you do. Always seek advice from within you before going to anyone else.
- Don’t let people around you influence you when you have a deep desire to do something even when you don’t know all the details. They don’t know what you know. They don’t know what you feel. And more importantly, they don’t live your life and any regrets you may have later in life. Don’t let their fear be yours. And don’t let their voices become yours.
- Don’t give power to unknowns and uncertainties that stop you from living your life and pursuing your dreams. And don’t buy into the illusion that you will be safe by staying on the same spot.
- The answers to the questions and the outcomes of the quest you look for often lie within the inner journey, not necessarily at the end of the physical path.
- True power doesn’t come from knowing. True power comes from discovering. Self-discovery and reflection not only give you the answers you look for but also the courage, faith and trust to walk your path.
- You never know your limits and abilities until you get pushed. And your abilities and limits expand each time you are tested. The more you put yourself to the test, the more capable you become. Never underestimate yourself.
- By taking a risk you evolve and transform.
- Be relentlessly clear what risk is — are you risking leaving your dreams behind by holding onto what doesn’t serve you just to be safe, or are you risking what you have now which no longer serves you in order to pursue your dreams to live the life you want?
- Embrace the emptiness in life when you genuinely want to make a transformation. Only when you have space can you allow new and bigger things to come.
- Embrace who you are. Acknowledge all aspects of you. When you hide, you are stopping yourself achieving your biggest potential and, therefore your dreams and visions.
- Sometimes you need to be lost before you find yourself again.
- To fulfil oneself is to listen and honour yourself in every sense.
- There is no transition in life. Everything and every day is that moment. It’s a transition only when you make it so. So make every moment count.
- You may lose direction in life but don’t ever lose your passions for life.
- Don’t let your story define you. Define your own story.
- Life has its own way to show you where you need to go to. Be courageous and do what feels right in your heart even when it doesn’t make sense in your mind. The mind is here to help you navigate. It helps you overcome the obstacles that you encounter in your path, not to stop you from walking your path.
- Follow your heart. Take the next honest steps. Have trust and it will take you far.